So today my little Angel Jaynee, turned into my little devil. Only problem is....that she is really really funny while she is at it all! First of all, Emmie comes running upstairs after I had just finished vacuuming the family room and said that Jaynee had dumped the bowl of popcorn on the couch. I didn't get pics of this one cause I was frantically cleaning it up so that the butter won't seep into the newly cleaned couch! I clean that up and am vauuming my stairs and Emmie runs upstairs and says" Mom, Jaynee spilled her milky sippy all over the coffee table. I proceed to head to the family room again, and find her decorating the coffee table with her sippy-she squeezes the squishy top with it turned upside down, and paints a pretty picture on my table. I didn't get a pic of that either cause you know how sticky milk is. Then, just a few minutes later I come upon a diaper, just....a diaper, used (piddles) with no evidence of a Jaynee anywhere. Of course I look upstairs and my little streaker runs from her room to mine, squeeling with glee of her newly found freedom. As soon as Cameron gets home, and I have the house slightly put back together, she takes her blocks, walks them over to the stairs (as she is talking to them like a little puppy-"come on, lets go..." and sits on the stairs with them on her lap. So here I am thinking "oh how cute, she is going to take them downstairs and build with them."The next thing I hear is "Here we go!" And then crash, clink....."Yea!!!!!!!!!" She managed to take off her diaper two more times today also. You may wonder, "Why don't you get her dressed?" and my only answer to that is "have you ever tried to dress her?" She either immediately takes them off, or she unsnaps herself and tries to re-snap for the next few minutes, at which she finally gives up and asks for help, and then you repeat the same steps of snapping and un-snapping for the next 45 minutes!!! But man, what can I say. She really is funny-if she wasn't funny and cute, she might be sold by now!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Angel of destruction
So today my little Angel Jaynee, turned into my little devil. Only problem is....that she is really really funny while she is at it all! First of all, Emmie comes running upstairs after I had just finished vacuuming the family room and said that Jaynee had dumped the bowl of popcorn on the couch. I didn't get pics of this one cause I was frantically cleaning it up so that the butter won't seep into the newly cleaned couch! I clean that up and am vauuming my stairs and Emmie runs upstairs and says" Mom, Jaynee spilled her milky sippy all over the coffee table. I proceed to head to the family room again, and find her decorating the coffee table with her sippy-she squeezes the squishy top with it turned upside down, and paints a pretty picture on my table. I didn't get a pic of that either cause you know how sticky milk is. Then, just a few minutes later I come upon a diaper, just....a diaper, used (piddles) with no evidence of a Jaynee anywhere. Of course I look upstairs and my little streaker runs from her room to mine, squeeling with glee of her newly found freedom. As soon as Cameron gets home, and I have the house slightly put back together, she takes her blocks, walks them over to the stairs (as she is talking to them like a little puppy-"come on, lets go..." and sits on the stairs with them on her lap. So here I am thinking "oh how cute, she is going to take them downstairs and build with them."The next thing I hear is "Here we go!" And then crash, clink....."Yea!!!!!!!!!" She managed to take off her diaper two more times today also. You may wonder, "Why don't you get her dressed?" and my only answer to that is "have you ever tried to dress her?" She either immediately takes them off, or she unsnaps herself and tries to re-snap for the next few minutes, at which she finally gives up and asks for help, and then you repeat the same steps of snapping and un-snapping for the next 45 minutes!!! But man, what can I say. She really is funny-if she wasn't funny and cute, she might be sold by now!