Sunday, June 8, 2008


I was in Walmart yesterday and as we passed a row of shelves with all this "wally" character stuff on it, she just about died!!!! I am not joking! She was standing up in the cart, squeeling at the top of her lungs, pointing and saying wallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, wallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! It was so funny! She had Kaylee and Emmie laughing so hard. Some guy was standing by us totally laughing! I couldn't help it-I bought the dang pillow! So we get it, and I am not joking you when I say it hasn't left her side. She even brought it to church today!!! So embarrassing. But not having Cam with me, I have to choose my battles, and this was not one of them. I checked on her last night, and this was how I found her. I wonder what she will do in the movie theater when we take her to see it (normally I am not a big movie junkie for this type-I would opt for the dollar theater-but I am sure we will be there front and center just to get some good laughs from her.)
She learned about Wally when Cam would show her the movie trailers. Now when he comes home and unloads his computer, the first thing she says is "wally". She has all the trailers memorized!