Ok Shelly "tagged" me so here it goes.
I hope I do this right- here is some info about me.
3 things I cherish:
1. My family
2. The gospel
3. My friends
3 things I fear:
1. Losing a child, or husband or family member
2. (now this one sounds trite compared to what I just said above but oh well)-- spiders
3. Loud noises (always have and don't know why!)
3 things I want to accomplish/goals:
1. Be the mom I always envisioned myself being
2. Make my home a place where my kids and their friends want be
3. A labor and delivery nurse
4. ok-I know I said 3 but there are more... I want to be completely debt free-no house, no school loans-nothing.
5. HAVE A BOY!!!!! (no I am not pregnant!)
3 things I love to do:
1. hang out with my family (both mine and cams)
2. eat
3. exercise
4. (and I'll slip this one in too) read-this one just developed over the last 5-6 years so I had to put it on there.
Ok-thanks for the tag Shelly! And now I am going to tag Jessie Ann, Alisa, Sharlynn and Tavah ( I hope none of you have been tagged lately-but I am lame with knowing how to exit from my post and check your blogs and then get back to mine-and I really don't want to loose all I just typed. Remember I am so techno challenged!!:)